Natural Acne Solutions – 3 vitamins that help you fight acne


In search of the best natural acne solutions, you may come across a variety of treatments that claim to hold the secret to eradicate your acne problem. This can be custom-diet, balms, especially hot drinks or even cream, but it is important to recognize one thing all of these treatments have in common. The common denominator is an infusion of essential nutrients, minerals or vitamins as part of the solution.

This article discusses how 3 Vital vitamins play an important role in helping the body to control the basic functions that help fight acne. I call them the ABC anti-acne nutrients precisely because, yes you guessed it – they are vitamins A, B and C! We will explore some fundamental facts about them, how they work internally and also how to best get the necessary amounts for your body.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A can actually be found in three major chemical form, retinol, vitamin A and other carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta carotene, etc). Without being too technical, they are simply in the form of the vitamin exist, as the food source you absorb them from. This vitamin plays a plethora of roles, so that makes normal visual function, maintaining bone metabolism, promote good skin health and control antioxidant. So, how exactly is vitamin act as a natural acne solution?

Well, certain types of vitamin A are thought to reduce not only the size but the amount secretion produced by sebaceous glands cause (glands that produce oil for the skin). Because bacteria rely on this sebum as nutrients source, vitamin A will reduce bacteria numbers by cutting off food. A word of warning though high vitamin A consumption tends to cause dryness of the skin and in some cases, light flaky skin.

The best source of vitamin A was bright colored fruits and vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin and sweet potato. Against boost, improve your diet with essentials such as eggs (the best source of natural protein), cod liver oil, broccoli as well as spinach. Although I did mention the side effects of excessive vitamin A, make sure it’s actually a rare occurrence and unlikely to be caused by the consumption of foods listed above. On the contrary, vitamin A toxicity can often be traced back to the overcrowded with inorganic forms found as those found in pills and other medications.

B vitamins

The B-vitamins actually consist of 8 separate vitamins which play an important role in cell metabolism. Generally, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B7 (Biotin), B9 (folic acid), B12 (cobalamin). Phew, quite a list!

The main features of this group of vitamins are to ensure normal operations immune and nervous system, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone and promote cell growth and division. As a natural acne solution, it is important that the skin is able to heal the severe acne scars and also allow the inflammation caused by pimples subside. There are so many ways to get your daily supplement of B vitamins, so I’ll just list the major food groups that best provide you with the necessary intake – whole grains, eggs, leafy green vegetables, legumes and poultry. These vitamins are only needed in very small amounts in order to maximize their impact, as long as you make sure you have good food variety, you should be fine. Otherwise, a good alternative is to take a B-complex vitamin supplements in liquid with a colloidal form for maximum absorption.

Vitamin C

Undoubtedly Superstar of all vitamins, vitamin C is a great antioxidant and an absolute must for gorgeous skin, an absolute gem of natural acne solution. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid, is required for various metabolic reactions that are essential to the overall welfare. The RDA for vitamin C is between 90 MILIGRAM and not more than 2000 MILIGRAM day. Over consumption of vitamin C is not a big problem, that vitamin C has a very low toxicity and the fact that the body is able to efficiently dispose of excess. In fact, many nutritionist advocate the use of vitamin C mega doses as a way to treat various diseases.

As a natural acne solution, the useful function of vitamin C as an antioxidant. Antioxidants fight particles called free radicals that destroyed and damaged cells. Vitamin C helps to maintain healthy young skin with reverse the effects of oxidation skin. Among the best sources of vitamin C include oranges, other citrus fruits, broccoli, parsley, capsicums and strawberries. The Kiwi Fruit is commonly known as a vitamin C super fruit, containing at least 10 times the amount of compared to the average orange. So instead of drinking a pint of freshly squeezed orange juice, why not consider one of these wonderful fruit in their daily fix.

From this short piece, you can start to see the various vitamins come from all different sources of food. It can sometimes be confusing to remember which foods provide the most of any vitamin. However, rather than being stuck in confusion paralysis, embrace the fact that many of these dietary staples, each containing a number of different vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the key to have enough nutrition to ensure that you are well-rounded diet consisting of carbohydrates enough (but not too much), a variety of fruits and vegetables and plenty of water. A favorite trick of mine is to turn fruits and vegetables that I have every day, so give me the best chance to get as many nutrients necessary. Why not do the same for you?


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