Chest Acne – Causes, symptoms and treatments


Chest acne is also known as body acne and can range in appearance from a few red pimples and spots to weeping pustules, blackheads, whiteheads and even balloons. In mild form, it may not always cause major discomfort but severe cases can lead to skin infections, bleeding and scarring.

Who gets chest acne?

Chest acne can affect people ranging from 11 to 40 years old. It can appear in both men and women. It remains a mystery why chest acne can afflict some people while others do not exhibit the same problem. Root cause is still unknown. It does tend to run in families and it usually appears in people with extra oily skin and those who sweat too.

How chest acne develops

Chest? acne develops in the same way as a conventional acne does. Oil-producing sebaceous glands are found just under the skin naturally understood sebum. Usually, no problems occur as long as the rate of sebum production is normal. Sebum and dead skin cells are usually washed away on a regular cleaning and bathing, so the skin is clear. It is only when it is depicted in the glands that there is reason to worry.

When there is over-production of sebum, the pores become clogged. The trapped sebum and dead skin cells create the perfect living conditions for bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes. These bacteria sit on the skin, multiply and cause infection of the skin. This infection leads to the formation of pimples or acne, characterized by red and inflamed bumps.

Treating chest acne

If you are a mild form of chest acne, also referred to as ‘zits’, you’re probably in luck. Chest acne is still in its early stages is usually easier to treat. You also do not need to worry about the type and number of treatments available for breast acne because there are many options you can choose from, depending on the severity of the condition.

There is no known cure for acne and any product that promised to spend feeding your acne for good may be stretching the truth. This is because it is not true remedy for acne from the root cause is unknown. Whatever treatment is available on the market today is used mainly to deal with the symptoms. eradicate symptoms and to eradicate chest acne.

If you have chest acne, never try to push the bubble with your bare hands or try to cut through balloon. You must stop the infection if you do and you may even cause some scars to appear. Try to handle chest acne as gently as possible and remember to keep your hands off unless necessary.

Use antibacterial soap that is specially designed to treat acne and wash the affected area. You may need to repeat the process for product recommendations or advice. Carefully dry the skin and apply antibacterial cream. Try to wash the affected area twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed.

There are several types of over-the-counter creams and gels that are commonly used to treat chest acne, most involving the ingredient benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is an effective oxidizer and keratolytic that actually kills the P. acnes bacteria and helps to reduce redness and inflammation.

If applying a topical antibacterial ointment seems inconvenient, ask your doctor if it is possible for you to use oral antibiotics. This is usually a method of treating acne which covers a wider area of ​​the skin.

When taking antibiotics, you may need to follow a course of treatment that could last for several weeks, sometimes as long as 12 weeks in severe cases. If you do not complete treatment with antibiotics, chest acne will reappear and might even get worse, so make sure that you follow the advice of a doctor.

For more severe form of chest acne, such as those that include pustules and cysts, see a doctor for proper treatment recommendations. He may prescribe stronger medications you can take the oral form or receive an injection. You may also be recommended for steroids or laser treatment.

tight clothing and chest acne

If you find that tight clothing tends to increase feeding your acne, try to avoid wearing them. Choose clothes that do not embrace the skin too much and wear fabrics made of light, breathable material like cotton. Try not to use materials that can chafe or irritate the skin.

The days when you need to expose your chest, it is an emergency fix you can use. Apply a mild antiseptic on the skin and use a concealer containing salicylic acid. Use a swab to apply the product to ensure that you keep the area germ-free. This will serve as a temporary solution until after you’ve found the perfect solution for feeding your acne.


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