Permanent Cure for Acne – 9 Tips to cure acne Forever


Acne is a serious and common problem for many today. A lot of acne products and resources only temporarily get rid of acne by reducing symptoms. Is a permanent cure for acne? Yes, but you need to attack the source and outside.

1. Eat a healthier diet. include in the diet of carbohydrates and protein like vegetables, fruits, salads, cottage cheese, fish, beef, chicken, honey, beans, nuts and seeds, etc. take a multi vitamin with food too.

2. Apply a paste of 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon yogurt bubble.

3. Drink 12 to 15 glasses of water every day.

4. Drink 1 glass of pomegranate juice every day? The reason is that pomegranate juice eradicates toxins in the body, and remove quickly.

5. Apply a paste of cucumber, coriander and mint on acne skin, leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, and rinse off. You will feel a kind of light and calm acne your area.

6. Mix 1 tablespoon honey with 3 bottles of water early in the morning, and drink it soon. Toxins from the body will be a time in the urine and swelling will decrease.

7. Perform 30 minutes brisk walking daily. This is a great walking or jogging works on your body, and this will be quite useful in removing spots, blackheads, whiteheads and pimples etc. Sweating also opens the pores.

8. Eat non-greasy and peppery food. Just keep in view eating as this will be helpful in preventing inflammation, frustration came because of acne.

9. Wash your face with a mild soap at least 2 hours a day. Pat dry with a clean cloth.
