Acne Treatment – 9 Myths and Real Facts About Acne


1. Acne and pimples are the same


Anyone who suffers from acne already knows the truth about this artist. A minor offense is probably because you’ve been burning the midnight oil or are a bit hormonal. Acne is a skin condition that needs treatment as soon as you spot it (no pun intended). There are 5 different types of acne, ranging from moderate to severe, and while the most common (acne) can be treated with hormones, not all types can be. Some may even be worse, so make sure that you see a dermatologist who can treat acne effectively.

2. Acne is just for kids


quarter of male acne sufferers and half of women acne sufferers are adults. Most had when the teens but many had clear skin all teenagers and only developed acne in their twenties, thirties and even forties.

3. Washing more will help


One study found that acne does not wash at all make acne worse than washing four times per day had the same ill effects. Best would be to use a mild cleanser twice daily, morning and evening. Adult acne before clear-skinned people can be caused by not keeping the skin clean. Dead skin cells mix with the skins natural sebum and close the pores. While acne may not improve in the clean one, keeping the skin gently clean makes sure you do not increase the conditions.

4. You’re just being vain


Not only can acne leave physical and emotional scars, it can be a sign of serious hormonal imbalance. Adult acne sufferers who had clear skin that teenagers are encouraged to test for abnormal levels of testosterone (a hormone thought to be primarily responsible for acne).

5. Sunlight gives you clear skin


In some cases, but not when dealing with acne. Psoriasis has been known to respond to ultraviolet light, but sunlight is only temporary relief from acne. After prolonged exposure, the skin can relapse and make acne worse. There are also the small matter of skin cancer and aging to consider, so make sure you continue to use sunscreen. There are some that are better for acne sufferers than others (see our tips on acne treatment below).

6. Sugar gives you acne


sugar will not help you make friends with your dentist, but it will not matter much to Your acne treatment. Common sense suggests that a healthy diet, plenty of rest and exercise will reduce stress levels and improve your skills, which never hurt. Also, excessive intake of some preservatives and additives that are often found in sugary foods have been linked to hormonal imbalance, but sugar is not the enemy.

7. Keep your hair on the face


Mums say this because you like how you look and wish you would not hide your face. The oil from your hair will not make acne worse as long as you keep your skin clean gently. Just make sure you’re not hiding behind your hair -. It sounds like a cliché but confidence really does make people more attractive than other quality

8. It will just disappear one day.


Although some cases of acne eventually disappear by itself, even aggressive treatment will take 6-8 weeks to show any results. Even after this time you can not see any improvement that acne treatment is often a case of trial and error for dermatologists and their patients. Everyone is different and find the perfect combination of methods may take some time.

9. Acne is inherited


The only legacy is the amount of testosterone (and other androgen-type hormones) that man produces. If you get acne, no one will be able to tell you why, and be suspicious of anyone who does -. They may just be trying to sell you a “miracle cure”

So what can I do it?

There are a number of chemical and natural ways to combat acne. Try this after you have spoken to a good dermatologist, he or she will be able to help you decide on a combination of treatments that suit you best.

Topical cream

available over the counter, you’ve probably used some of this. They are designed to open the pores so that your skin’s natural oils move and discard the skin the way intended. Virtually all containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid is good for mild cases of acne in teens and adults. This is particularly true when the cream is mixed with an antibiotic. Make sure you use sunscreen that is suitable for acne. You may need to fall protection factor down from 30 to 15 or thereabouts to get away from the heavy greasy cream. Look for sunscreen that comes in gel or spray and contains an ingredient called Mexoryl (either X or FX variations) that this will not clog pores.

Prescription drugs

For more severe cases, this will either hormones or antibiotics and are often used over several years to control and improve acne. They often suffer from worse cases of acne than women because they produce more testosterone and prescription drugs are usually used in men than women. Acne medications containing the ingredient isotretinoin is generally recommended, but if you are a woman considering this treatment, be aware that it has been linked to severe birth defects so ask your dermatologist plenty of questions and make sure you feel comfortable with the information. The Pill is one option for women and has been proven to effectively combat some forms of acne.

Natural Treatments

Natural is a word that needs to be approached with caution. Mother Nature gave us many doctors but also many poisons. There are also many “natural” treatments that have content list reads like the inventory chemical laboratory! Here are some commonly used natural acne treatment, but use your common sense and if you do not know what it is, do not put it in the body

Witch-Hazel :. An all-purpose astringent used as a toner. This one is completely safe at doses found in most cosmetics, but it may mean that it is too diluted to be an effective acne treatment. It does feel wonderful on the skin after cleansing, however

Tea-tree oil :. Can be great for treating occasional outbreaks of acne, but will probably be too harsh on the skin to use for too long. Also, tea-tree oil can be damaging if you are taking acne medication that they may react and cause inflammation

Oats :. Not only do they taste great for breakfast, but the oats used in facial scrub (gently, please) provide light exfoliant and antiseptic properties

Vitamin A: .. Great for the visual but unfortunately toxic if taken dose you have to fight acne

cosmetic surgery

special approach to acne and acne scars, it usually resulted Dermabrasion or Micro-Dermabrasion with follow-up treatments include additional meetings and take-home creams. Other options include laser therapy or phototherapy. They can significantly reduce acne, but all have potential side effects as well as being costly. If you choose this method to treat acne, research as many specialists cosmetic surgery and you can, ask lots of questions and do not always feel rushed.


Acne – The importance of moisturizing


with as many misunderstandings and about of acne, it is easy to become confused about the proper facial treatments to deal with the situation. One often ignored, but a simple and effective treatment is the importance of using water because many acne sufferers think they are too fat.

Treating acne is a daily endeavor, best if done every day, twice a day, with special treatments done once a week. “Special treatment” are usually things that can help, but are more drying or strong, such as face masks or acne scrubs. While these treatments are effective, limiting their use to avoid over drying or scrubbing our skin and do unnecessary damage. But even just a day washing will dry out the face; absorbing excess oil and wash away the dry skin to prevent it from clogging pores is the purpose behind acne treatment to start with. Without proper moisturizing treatment produces more dead and dry skin to clog pores, and you’re back where you started.

You can significantly cut back on the amount of acne and breakouts you get to keep properly moisturized. Apply moisturizer on your face once or day– or better yet– after every time you wash or scrub your skin will vastly reduce the chances of breaking out. For many people, it is the missing piece of their lives in their fight against acne, and last building block that they need to have clear skin for good because it is so often taken for granted or mistaken as pore clogging. However, even people with what they consider to be oily skin will benefit from this, it is downright important for those who suffer from dry skin.

choosing the right moisturizer is important, but a very simple matter. A basic, oil free moisturizer will suffice. SPF in moisturizer is also a great idea. Most acne treatments make the skin more sensitive to sunlight, and contrary to popular belief, tanning does not help acne at all.

Moisturizers with scents and fragrances can be best avoided if you are prone to acne to prevent registration of other irritants. And while salicylic acid is great to have in your acne treatment, you will not want it in skin care as well if you wash your face twice a day. It will be added excitement for your skin.

If you still struggle with acne breakouts, add in moisturizing your face after washing acne routine. You can find that’s what you really need to get on your way to clear, beautiful skin.


Homemade Acne Treatment – Baking Soda will cure your acne


Homemade acne treatments are great, but those who use baking soda are among the best. Acne home remedies using baking soda are extremely effective and best of all no side effects!

Another big advantage is that it is so doggone good!

I do not think you could ask more from homemade acne treatment but to be highly effective, no side effects and cheap.

If you’ve tried every over the counter treatment is unsuccessful you owe it to yourself to give the baking soda a try.

Homemade Acne Treatment

Before applying baking soda that you need to carefully wash your face with a mild natural soap. Soap without strong chemicals or perfume.

Do not scrub your face or rub very difficult. Hard cleaning will irritate the skin before applying baking soda. Lightly pat the face dry with a towel.

Place a few tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl and add enough water to form a paste. You do not want a paste which is Soupy or thick. There should be just enough thick stick to your face.

Now you are ready to apply it. Place some of the paste on the affected area and rub in a circular motion for 10 to 15 seconds.

If your skin is not sensitive you can leave it on until it dries. If you have sensitive skin it is best to remove it after 15 seconds. Some experiments will let you know what to do what is best for you.

Now rinse your face off thoroughly with warm water. Pat face dry with absorbent towels

. You might notice slight stinging sensation but baking soda on your face. You may also have a slight redness after school, but after a few minutes that should go away and allow the skin to glow.

You can also expect sensitivity to sunlight. So baking soda for acne treatment is the best nighttime routine.

There is also a good idea to apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type and sleep with it overnight and wash it off the next morning.

More Homemade Acne Treatment

You should start to see some results from the baking soda acne treatment right away, but it could take 7 to 10 days of treatment.

after a month you should see remarkable improvement.

I want to say though that we are all different. There are also many reasons for acne. So the possibility that this could be the best acne treatment for you.

There are many effective home remedies for acne and if you do not see any recovery in the week or so it might be time to try some of the other treatments homemade acne.


Acne, Carbohydrates and misleading Link


not carbohydrates cause acne? You should avoid them if you want to cure your acne?

In this article, I understand science from the bull back acne and carbohydrates.

The carbohydrate and acne link exists with confusion and misinformation. Research in recent years shows a possible link between acne and high glycemic index foods (mostly refined carbohydrates).

These foods put your blood sugar levels on a rollercoaster ride. Therefore, the body releases hormones that increase sebum production, cause skin cells divide more often (more dead skin cells) and weaken the immune system (more acne causing bacteria).

Based on this study, it seems carbohydrates cause acne. But it is only half of the story.

The real culprit is unstable blood sugar levels.

Now, it is true that eating carbohydrates increases blood sugar. And refined carbohydrates trigger even steeper. But the body is very good at regulating blood sugar levels. It has to, because of high or low levels are dangerous, and even fatal.

So long as this adjustment system works well blood sugar levels have been fairly constant no matter what you eat.

It is only when they fail, a condition called insulin resistance, you get problems lead to acne. So insulin resistance sits at the root of your acne.

Insulin resistance is pretty complicated situation that evolved over the years as a result of wrong diet and lifestyle choices. Some of the main causes are:

  • eat too much fat.
  • eating too many calories.
  • Chronic inflammation (eg from stress, exposure to toxins and chemicals, and eating inflammatory foods).
  • Sleep deprivation.
  • live sedentary lives.

Contrary to common understanding eating carbohydrates does not cause insulin resistance, at least unrefined carbohydrates in whole foods. A man without insulin resistance can eat 19 bananas a day without hypoglycemic problems.

low-carb diet the answer to acne?

When people hear about acne carbohydrate connection they think low-carb diets are the solution. If carbohydrates cause acne then the solution is to avoid them.

As these diets are low in calories and lead to short-term weight loss (good for insulin resistance) that they may work in the short term.

One of the problems with low-carb diets is that they are very high in fat. Too much fat is one of the reasons for insulin resistance. Fat blocks the action of insulin in the bloodstream and the pancreas has to constantly pump more to compensate. Research has repeatedly shown that those who eat the most fat have the highest insulin levels.

These diets are also very dangerous to your health. Atkins Exposed website ( ) explains the dangers of these diets expose you to, and scientific non-sense used to promote them.

Please understand that healthy, unrefined carbohydrates in whole foods are not your enemy or skin. There is no reason to put your life on the line by avoiding them in the fleeting hope of clear skin.

Especially since you can have both clean the skin and excellent health by following scientifically supported and time-tested principles of eating healthy foods in their natural state.

In short, acne is not caused by carbohydrates.


What is A Good Acne Solution?


If you have acne, then no doubt you’ve spent some time checking the various acne solutions that are available in the market. When you are faced with a wide range of products, many of them with advertising claims that border on the miracle, it is difficult to know which product to choose.

So let’s take a look at one of the popular acne solutions in America today – Proactiv Solution – so you’re not completely in the dark for at least one product when you have to make your choice

Proactiv Solution was developed by two Stanford-trained dermatologists. One of the reasons it is so popular is because it is two things:

– doctors are blemish

– Stops new blemishes form

It does this by combine acne management treatment system with prescription grade ingredients with a system that works to heal and prevent acne at the same time. This unique fighting system combines finely milled benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, and its own special composition. These ingredients gently exfoliate your skin, unplug pores and attack the acne causing bacteria and calming the inflammation caused by acne.

There are lots of acne medicine that you can buy in stores that are spot treatments, specially designed to get rid of existing acne you have one spot at a time. These are usually made of rigid creams that can cause redness or irritation on your skin. Acne causes enough problems without skin and you use add them.

Proactiv Solution can be used on the entire face (or just acne prone area) every day. It will not only get rid of existing acne but it helps to prevent future breakouts before they even appear on the skin. As it is formulated by soothing botanicals like allantoin, panthenol, aloe and chamomile that will leave your skin feeling healthy and hydrated.

One of the big problems with Proactiv Solution is that it can be confusing for people to use. This is because it contains three levels are as follows: –

1. Renewal Cleanser – This oil free formula contains smooth little grains gently exfoliate dead skin cells and other impurities. It contains prescription grade benzoyl peroxide to penetrate the pores and attack the bacteria causing acne. This helps blemishes heal faster.

2. Revitalizing Toner. A refreshing alcohol free toner that removes dead skin cells, unclogs pores and helps to remove excess oil from the skin so it looks and feels refreshing. Soothing botanical agents in this toner help to balance skin tone person.

3. Repair Lotion. A light oil free lotion that contains finely milled prescription grade benzoyl peroxide cure blackheads and blemishes and also helps to prevent future acne breakouts. This cream is soothing and safe to use on the entire face.

There are lots of good acne solutions on the market, and Proactiv Solution is certainly not the simplest and easiest to use. But having said that, it is a very popular choice for many, because they find it works. I hope this article has helped you to get an understanding of what makes Proactiv Solution, and also give you some ideas for questions you can ask when you are considering other products.


Natural Cystic acne Remedies – How to Treat cystic acne Naturally


cystic acne is an external infection caused by bacteria on a flat surface skin. Cystic acne can be noted as a red swollen pustules formed on the skin. The redness, swelling pustule in the form of a bubble formed due to excess deposition of dirt and oil on the skin.

Because of this excess deposit skin pore gets clogged and now it will be the dwelling place for bacteria. These bacteria live mostly in the larger pores. This excess precipitation can be avoided by having a clean skin surface.

This cystic acne, cleansing treatment protocol specifically designed for the type of acne skin. Also with this cleaning treatment, exfoliating and light moisturizer are also used to maintain it throughout the day. This cleaning regimen should be used twice a day to fight against cystic acne.

ways to treat cystic acne

Cystic acne can affect anyone, any gender and any age. Most women affected by this. When a person gets affected by cystic acne, it results in leaving permanent marks on the skin.

To hide the scars, women tend to use more making which leads to the survival of bacteria with clogged pores. Acne caused women is known as acne. The best way to avoid this by cleaning the skin twice daily.

It would be better to remove make dinner. This is because the pores open at night and there is a chance of clogging pores.

Acne cleanser is used twice a day helps to keep the skin clean and healthy looking. With this, an exfoliating cream is used for removal of excess oil and dirt. This excess oil produced by the sebaceous oil glands and this dust gets attracted and deposit on the skin surface.

Thus, exfoliating is used, it is continued with a light moisturizer to oxygenate the skin. This oxygenation helps to destroy bacteria. The bad news in cystic acne is that it tends to spread where pus falls. So it is better not to touch the bare hands or squeezing.

The best person to deal with cystic acne is a doctor or dermatologist. As for the cause of cystic acne is different from one person to another person, only a doctor can suggest a specific treatment for a specific condition.

It is always best to take timely action so that one can avoid the hard rough surface and the pain caused by cysts. Above all this it is always better to take swift action on time.


What is Acne – Easy Explanation


Acne is one of the most common symptoms that can be found in humans. It can happen to any body. While there are many definitions of acne, we use words here. This article will give you information on what acne is.

Acne is a form of skin disorders. You have some pores of the skin. These pores are ways to get water from the body through sweat glands. They always give ways to sebaceous, or the technical term sebaceous glands that secret oil on your body. Why do you need oil in your skin? Because your skin should not be too dry, oil helps moisturize the skin.

The problem arises when these pores are blocked by several reasons. They can be caused by hormonal imbalances, oily food, dirty skin condition, bacteria, etc. Whatever the reason, the pores was cloaked. Then the oil can not be secret. It then causes little disease called acne or pimples. If the amount of bacteria over a certain level, it will be called infectious acne. If there is a fight between white blood cells and bacteria, you will have inflammation in the area. You will see swelling and read at the top of the acne.

If acne is not treated properly, it will leave a scar on the area you have. Some time, acne scars is not good to have especially for ladies. The good news is if you take the right steps, Arrow will be the least of them.

With all these explanations, it is not difficult to understand what acne is. More challenging is how we can solve it if it happened. A lot of teenage population has this problem and do not know what to do. Proper education needs to be guidelines on how to fight acne.


How to Get Rid of Acne – For Good


Acne can be difficult to deal with as a young kid or even an adult. What is even more difficult, however, is to learn how to get rid of acne, and keep it from coming back for good. Live life with acne can lower your self-esteem, and even lead to depression.

However, there are ways to get rid of acne, and check it again. Now if you are anything like me, you would have probably tried just about every acne product on the market, and have experienced the same effect on time. The truth of the matter is, most products do not cure acne, they just help prevent it.

So how can you get rid of acne?

Well you’re in luck because there are some simple and easy things you can do to get clear skin and stop acne from coming back. First you have to forget everything the doctors tell you, and everything you’ve seen on TV.

Now the easiest way to get rid of acne is to stop touching your face. I know it sounds obvious, but believe it or not probably touch your face several times during the day and do not even realize your doing it. Your hands have dirt and oil on them, and touch your face will lead to feature brake outs.

Another way to help get rid of acne is not to pop your pimples. If you pop your pimples it will only lead to intimidate, and brake outs in the same area.

One other thing I recommend you do is to buy the acne body wash. I never used a body wash for acne as before, and my good friend then I try it. I was shocked at how effective it was and it did not take time out of my day, because it was part of my daily life when I showered.

So remember there are ways you can get rid of acne , and I’m living proof of it. I have suffered from acne server of my life, but managed to get my acne problem under control and stop it from coming back.


Acne Cosmetica – How To Prevent it



What is Acne Cosmetica?

Acne Cosmetica is the name given to acne is caused by cosmetics. The common acne is known as acne. If acne, acne develops on the hair follicles that have sebaceous glands attached to them. Sebaceous glands produce oil called sebum. Due to certain reasons, the sebum changes in quality and quantity giving rise to scales on the hair follicle. These scales block the skin pores causing acne. This blockage is the beginning of acne. As sebum gets infected acne turns to cysts and nodules. Acne Cosmetica is different than this cane vulgaris.

cosmetics are made with many ingredients. Some of them are synthetic chemicals and others are natural products. Some of these products may be comedogenic. A comedogenic product causes comedones when used on the skin. When cosmetic that contains sa comedogenic ingredient is used it causes acne Cosmetica.

How to distinguish acne Cosmetica?

You will develop this acne after you start using a new cosmetic. This acne will slowly develop in skin colored small bumps. This sculpture in the cluster and are generally located on the chin and forehead. They look very ugly. Unlike acne, the acne usually does not grow in nodules and cysts. And when you stop using the cosmetic acne disappears slowly.

Treatment of acne Cosmetica

The first step is to stop using certain cosmetics. All products containing AHA or retinoids can be used in this acne. The product will be peel the skin away and the acne will disappear for some time.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.


Acne can be hereditary?


Inheritance is one of the main causes various health problems, including acne. The vast majority of those who suffer from acne find surprise much later that their problem is actually hereditary in nature. Just like the color of one’s eyes could fit mother, nor father, acne can be developed by the same principle.

The widespread problem has been in the past in your family, the more likely you are to develop them. Also, if this is the case, you will find your acne bit harder to heal than usual. Well, this is not to scare you and make you feel like there is no treatment for hereditary acne. What kind of acne can be treated with the right kind of medication and proper care. However, it is important to be aware that the top cause of acne that can be presented as an obstacle in the treatment of acne and take away your peace of mind.

Most importantly, if your mother had acne at any time in her life, you may be more likely to develop acne than usual hereditary problems. One of the experiments suggests that children with acne-prone mothers have a greater chance to develop acne than usual hereditary ones. So this finding contributes basically the fact that the X chromosome can be a major issue for the development of acne in children whose mothers have had acne once or another.

If both parents had acne, you are more prone to it automatically. It is not their fault though as they were probably from their own parents who received it from them. There is a long chain with none as the ultimate culprit. After all, who wants to invite acne personally visit and cause all the trouble?

However, you need not worry and nor you have to curse anyone to give you this problem. In many cases, even if you have a very strong family history of acne, you may be able to either not have any acne at all or treat it very easily. Treatment in all cases it is possible if the right measures are taken and complete instructions are available for you. You will be relieved to know that children without a family history of severe acne problems as well. So it’s not just your family history and many other things that are responsible for acne development.

A lot of resources are available in the medical world today that can help you fight and cure acne permanently. Potential parents were not too lucky and had to suffer with acne due to less number of effective treatments available to help them in their times. You can now confidently go to the doctor and find out the best treatment available for you. It certainly is out for you that only your doctor can tell you about.

exact genetic causes for receipt of all causes that are caused by hereditary issues is still a mystery and scientists around the world are only too keen to resolve it once and for all. However, it seems like it’s going to take some time. But until then, there is nothing to worry as treatments for acne are easily.
