The lineup Test


Getting Started

think you really understand acne? Do you have all the answers? Are you ready to take the acne test?

Below are some questions about acne. They are based on questions that everyone likes to ask and also answer. Some acne myths also covered in acne test. Let’s start!

True or False?

1. You will outgrow acne.

2. Acne is caused by impurities.

3. Acne is caused by chocolate.

4. Makeup makes the acne worse.

5. Tanning beds reduce acne.

6. Good diet and exercise reduces acne.

7. Heavy washing and cleaning reduces acne.


Will you outgrow acne? Maybe. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (Aad), 17 million people in the United States have acne now. 85-95% of all 12 to 24 are hit by acne. The sad truth is that acne can strike at any age. As you get older, body changes and you may be victim. This is especially true for women because of hormonal changes, especially pregnancy, and menopause.

Is acne caused by dirt and grime? In part, yes, but not really. Poor sanitation is only a minor cause of acne. That’s because acne is caused eve of dead skin and natural body oils produced. This in turn will clog pores and bacteria become active. The result is acne. Note that there are many other factors, such as genetics and environment.

increase chocolate acne? There is not a lot of scientific evidence that there is a significant connection between diet and acne. However, there appears to be at least a minor connection. Considering that thousands of people have reported, it is very likely that good eating habits contribute to better skin will reduce acne. The bottom line is that you do not have to give up chocolate, but you should only have it in moderation.

, reserves increased acne? No, do use will not generally cause or worsen acne. There is one catch. The make has to be oil free and hypoallergenic. So, feel free to use the right kind of makeup, especially since it will raise self-esteem.

Is tanning reduce acne? Unfortunately, tanning will not reduce acne. It could reduce redness and acne itself will not go away because tanning. Further, tanning increases the risk of dry and irritated skin. There will also be an early age the skin and increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

is to eat well and do the exercises help eliminate acne? It seems that good health leads to healthier skin, reduces acne. A healthy diet can not hurt. If nothing else, it will improve body image. In short, eat well and get some exercise to reduce acne.

Is scrubbing very difficult to eliminate acne? The short answer is no. Again, cleanliness is not really associated with acne. You need to regularly wash you face to remove dead skin cells, surface dirt and excess body oil. But too much cleaning or washing simply lead to dryness and irritation. Which can make acne much worse. The recommendation is to gently wash your face 1-2 times a day and avoid harsh chemicals and detergents
