Get Read of Acne – Tips to keep Acne Away Naturally


Acne is the bane of adolescence. It can ruin a perfect face and make social life difficult for young people. No wonder among teenagers, to get rid of acne is the number one concern.

So, how can you really get rid of acne? Other than spending hundreds of dollars on expensive creams, there are a number of things you can do to make acne attack difficult.

First of all, make sure that you keep your face clean. This means washing it at least 3 times a day with a gentle face wash. Acne occurs when skin pores get clogged up with oil. If you keep your face clean, these pores remain open, reducing the chances of getting acne.

Next, no matter how itchy you can find, never touch your pimples. It can be very tempting to just scratch the acne, but doing so will only create labels that will look even more hideous than acne. In addition, the hands are usually much more dirty than the face and touching your face can increase your chances of getting acne. As much as possible, keep your hands away from your face.

Screen diet. Deep fried, greasy food is a great way to get acne attack. As previously mentioned, acne occurs when the pores of the skin get covered with oil. By eating greasy food, you are just making it easier for the outbreak of acne to occur. Keep your diet only healthy foods like fish, salads, chicken. Avoid fast food like the plague. Not only will this help the outbreak of acne, it will also help keep a little fat off your midsection.

Drink plenty of water. Forget about 8 glasses a day rule. Drink as much water as you possibly can. 12, 15, or 20, you can never drink too much water. Keep your body hydrated is necessary to fight acne.

Finally, make sure you get plenty of rest. Most teenagers these barely get 6 hours of sleep. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day if you really want to fight against acne.
