Types of Acne – Do You Know Which type of acne You Have



Too many symptoms of acne that have been misdiagnosed, and consequently they get recommended treatments that do not. Therefore, you should take a look at the corporate types of acne so you can know who you are suffering with and get proper treatment.

Acne vulgaris – This type of acne is the most common and is characterized by whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules and really painful nodules. The good news is that this type is easily treated with home remedies such as oatmeal masks, or over the counter topical therapy

Acne fulminans -. The severity of this type of acne is similar to acne Conglobata unless fulminans usually comes on suddenly younger men. It has a fever and joint pain, though harsh treatment isotretinoin and oral steroids are usually effective enough to get rid of it

Gram-negative folliculitis -. This is a rare form of acne, which comes with pustules and cysts as a result of long-term antibiotic treatment of acne vulgaris treatment. Isotretinoin works well to get rid of it

pyoderma Faciale -. Usually women between 20 and 40 years to get this kind, which comes with nodules, pustules and ulcers. The good news is that it does not last longer than one year, and isotretinoin is great for treating it

Acne Rosacea -. Appears in the form of a red rash on the cheeks, nose, forehead and skin. These red spots are spots similar to those with acne, but blackheads. Mostly women over age 30 suffer from this type of acne, which is usually treated with products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide

Acne Conglobata -. This is probably the most severe type of acne, and primarily affects males. Large interconnected lesions and widespread blackheads characteristic of this form of acne is best treated with isotretinoin, but there is still the possibility of severe scarring after treatment.

Vita acne type so you can make the right move to treat it effectively and quickly.
